Game Dev Tycoon got the green light on Steam!

Hooray for greenheartgames! I’m sure you’re all feeling… STEAMED. :smiley:

Buying directly from the developer’s website is almost always better for the developer since we get a bigger share from the purchase price. We aim to send out steam keys to existing customers as soon as we figure out the technicalities. So, if you buy from us, you get to play earlier and we get a bigger cut. Win-win :slight_smile:


Congratulations GHG, im happy for you! Keep up the good work guys! :slight_smile:

Na dann haut mal rein den Balance Patch raus zu hauen :slight_smile: Das Spiel macht richtig Laune, und ich will auch weiter spielen, aber nicht wenn ich immer verliere. Das ist einfach nur so frustrierend dass ich mich dazu zwingen muss meine Zeit wo anders zu investieren, da ich zum einen nicht noch frustrierter sein möchte und zum anderen sowieso wieder verliere, die Zeit somit auf jeden Fall verschwendet wird :confused:

Just like the in-game publisher deals… if you work with a publisher you earn less money but you get more customers… it depends on what prefer/is worth…

If I bought the game, can I get a steam key?

yes. They Said You Will

Congratulations on getting the green light!I am following this game for a while and I finally have the chance to buy it!Is there fixed price for steam yet?

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