Oribt Games has released an official post on their new website under the section labled “Orbiting gaming news” stating if this proposed console will be created it will use an updated version of the technology in the “Charcoal system” to adapt to any previously created games. More to come.
Speeches - Write a speech!
Fan Clubs - Attend a fanclub!
Reputation - Make a bad game -10 pts. Make a good game + 20 pts. Max. 365 pts. Min. -365 Start off with 50
Criticize - Blame others for your fault, or criticize Nintendo or something smiley XD
Promotion - Promote staff to Executive, Deputy, etc.
Add new topics (Architecture, building etc.)
‘Downloadable Content’ (When creating a Large Hit Game, you can approach toy companies to ask if they will create DC’s, for 5M comes with toys and the DC. 7M comes with toys, shirts and DC. 10M comes with toys, shirts, Season Pass and the DC.
Create a site - Every two months you can update it with comments, photos and other stuff.
Posters - R&D Lab can create posters for MMOs increasing popularity
Adverts - R&D Lab can create adverts, first online, then in the papers, and finally on TV.
Letting fan sites pop up.
Capitalization of other companies (Buying, selling etc.)
Creating ‘Stations’ ( You know like Ubisoft Montreal, & stuff)
Making competitions for fans - ( You choose prizes etc.)
Collaborate with toy companies (Create action figures for your games etc.)
Creating a company logo.
I want in on this RP but i am sorry to say i do not understand the rules. Just started replaying a new studio so i will most likely be far behind. but could you put up some clarifications?, and i have some questions.
1:When someone puts funds into your Company, Which you did in ToT i think how does that work?,
2:How do you determine if one is bought up and incorperated into a studio that becomes like a Publisher?
3:The sales, and money generated is it somehow used here?
4: if possible can my (Indie Studio) Become part of say a another studio and thus making them into a Publisher or part of them like (Ubisoft Stockholm) for example?
Samuel Kessler has released news on the partnership with Orbit Games, saying that they will now make the Fairplay Advance SP, which is basically a Fairplay Advance on a portable system, but it won’t actually have any Fairplay Advance games on it. Instead, it will have its own actual games, since it uses a different system, a Charcoal System engine.
In a new announcement, Bamboo Cane INC has invited both Ubisoft and ToT to a business meeting. Lai-Do said this. "I wish to heal these relationships. We are adults, not children fighting over toys."
In another news, BCES, the Bamboo Cane Entertainment system has been released, holding HD ports of old nostalgic games, such as Sonic or Copyright Carl.
IGN Online Article
Okay so I found a new Studio while randomly browsing Youtube videos, I stumbled upon this lost era type of game, You know one of those from the glory days when Arcade halls still was the New Thing and most Consoles for homes where still not even thought of or in early Development.
Now in 2014 we get to revisit the days of the past, When “Star Wars Episode IV - The Empires Strikes Back” Came out.
Anyway as I said I managed to find a studio that seem to want to bring back those glorified days, And here is a small interview that I managed to get over skype with the founder.
Midgard Studios
Rick Palm
Founded in Stockholm
IGN: Midgard Studios is a newly founded studio based in Stockholm Sweden and is not a well established one in the ever growing Gaming Industry.
Short on personal funds Rick Palm had put up a video and screenshots on Youtube explaining that he was a small Indies studio and that the game he worked on needed 39.000$ To be completed.
The Game was called Earthbound and is a Fantasy Rpg where you play the red haired mage Aleric Tristan, The game is a typical 2D- Platform game showing off that awesome old-school type of feeling, where you as Aleric goes to save the world by fighting various bosses,Saving princesses from hideous monsters and evil Wizards and demons.
Though being a 2D old-school kind of game it still seem to have a fresh feeling to it from what we have seen so far.
That may also very well be due to the fact that Old-School games aren’t produced anymore and the Technology that we see today are so far ahead and so diverse and Graphical complex that most of that golden era is lost.
Rick Palm stated that he did like the games that was on the market today and that most of his inspiration came From Ubisoft and other Studios like them.
IGN - So Rick when do you think that you can release “Earthbound”?
R.P - That Depends, First I need the funds for it and I also want to make it as good as it possibly can get, Making Retro Games is harder than one thinks, Especially now when most Games costs millions of Dollars to make, creating a Small game to compete with giants will be hard, but of course I do believe that there is people out there willing to go back to the old school Retro era type of games. If not only for a brief time.
IGN - So you are saying that there are people that are willing to buy a game that looks like it came out from the 80s era, even though most games today are close to Photorealistic in graphics and have Hollywood type of Story writers tied to them.
R.P - Indeed I do believe there is a market for these type of games, The fans are out there and hopefully this interview will catch some of their attention. /Laugh.
IGN - Well we do wish you good luck and hope that Midgard Studios and you Rick Palm succeeds on creating “Earthbound”, We will eagerly await for a chance to play it.
- Article written by John Doe
In this special short story, Bamboo Cane Inc has sent a private business invitiation to Midgard studio’s CEO, Rick Palm, to possibly handle a port of Earthbound to the BCES, along with possible funding.
Confusion sweeps across the gaming world as only a few days after the announced new console from Orbit games and ToT inc was agreed upon Orbit games has withdrawn support from the console stating “We have concerns about the company we were working with as they have releases many games in the past not in the family friendly style of Orbit Games and some games were very controversial, but do not worry for we will be releasing our own console named the ‘Rocket Jumper’ which will be our very first home console”, while they say it was due to the other company we believe it was Orbit Games fault promising a partnership in return for implementation of ToT’s technology. They most likely did not even share any of their technology with ToT. This was most likely a fully fledged scandal.
Rick Palm replies to Bamboo Cane Inc that he would consider the port and that it is tempting but since Midgard Studios is small he is uncertain he can deliver the port on his own. He also stated that he has started on the last stage of development of the game and that he started on an another Retro type Game idea Draft Called “Village in the North” it is still in the earliest of Development as the script and character making is still only conceptual in text form as of yet.
But wonders if a possible port in the future for his next Game might also be considered.
In a surprise statement, Lai-Do Yingzin has offered to merge the two companies, Bamboo Cane Inc and Midgard Studios, to form a larger and sturdier company to rival the giants of ToT and Ubisoft. He is also offering Midgard their own experts to easen the porting of Earthbound. Statements of the large companies and reports form the busines meetings between Ubisoft, Bamboo Cane and ToT have not been released yet.
In shocking betrayal of ToT inc. Orbit Games has announced their interest in working on their new console with non other than Midgard Studios stating "We would love to see more availability of retro games on the market and we believe if we make a console with design and tech input from Midgard Studios then the possibilities could be endless."
Currently we do not beleive this to be a fake deal as they had with ToT for there is not much the company could steal. Orbit Games has also admited to offering to fund “Earthbound” if they agree to work with them on this new at-home console.
Lai-Do had this to say about this bold statement of Orbit Games. “We are also working on partnership with Midgard games. Mayhaps we can create something… Brilliant.” Lai-Do has sent out private invites to both Orbit games and Midgard Studios to come over to his private yatch to talk about business. Is this the beginning of a new era, or just rich people being rich? We will see.
You heard it here first folks, many employees and even the CEO of Orbit games have agreed to attend the meeting with Bamboo Cane Inc. to discuss the possibilities with the upcoming console currently titled “Rocket Jumper”. We hope this will prove to create a console able to rival the UThink.
before they agreed however, Orbit Games has announced a new series entitled “Pokemon” following their family freindly trend, we know little of this game what and will unfold.
::Message to Lai-Do Yingzin Ceo of Bamboo Cane Inc::
I will have to say i am agreeing to the idea of a merging, and that i wish that this collaberation can become fruitfull. But before we set it in stone i would like to see a form of a contract, And also how this merger will be handled and the outlying plans for Midgard Studios and what role Bamboo Cane Inc will have in it.
Rick Palm Ceo of Midgard Studios
Meetings, meetings! Here is the possibly hottest merge of the century! Bamboo cane has presented a Thirty/Thirty/Fourty share of the merge of Bamboo Cane, Midgard Studios and Orbit Games, Orbit gams and Bamboo cane have the thirty percent shares, with Midgard studios owning the coalition. He also suggests merging their hardware labs, but suggesting that they keep their devoleper teams away from eachother to maximize game production. How will the other two parties react?
Shockingly Orbit Games has announced “Pokemon” will be the last game for the short lived Pocket Player but they cannot wait to release the game any longer. They have already announced the game would come out the day after tommorow with names such as “Pokemon Red” and “Pokemon Green”
Letter to Bamboo Cane Inc.
We do not wish to merge our company as we still wish for freedom to pull away as we shall and to keep our own logo which is in the works, but will indeed follow through with merging our research groups and hardware labs aswell as fund projects we agree on if you shall agree.
An edit has happened to the company merging protocoll. The new company shall be a fifty/fifty of Midgard and Bamboo Cane, with Orbit Games still having their own research groups and hardware teams working with the two other teams. What shall Midgard Studios say to this idea?
Midgard Studios thinks that this is an interesting proposal and suggests that this Coalation works as a Publisher for the three studios and perhaps future studios.
He also thinks that regular meetings should be held to ensure that they do not flood the market with the same type of games and genres.
((This is fun though i am replying here more often than i make games, starting my third one now so tech based i am quite far off… But yeah, Maybe we can combine our money in the Banks as a total Net Worth or something. and i will soon do a relase note of the first game, and then the second.))
Orbit Games released their “Pokemon” series today which was met with incredible sales and love from Orbit Games and even Bamboo Cane inc. fans (for they beleive “pokemon” will also be released on the upcoming console). We would love to see more games like this and have therefor rated this game a 9.5/10
((The way we actually do this has been us basicly advancing to the modern era, making consoles, and such. There has been company drama, and even a murder of a CEO.)) The first meeting shall commence between the three companies! The two main topics.
- The name of the coalition.
- The game’s each company shall present.
Bamboo Cane is presenting a romantic/educational/comedy game, Leisure Lounge Lardy.