Game Dev on iOS won’t finish Research

I started to research a new engine that includes 3D graphics v6 and the progress of the research hangs at 1 left. I have attached an image to show…

Any ideas on how to get past this? I’ve tried reloading the game to the start of the research, firing working, nothing seems to fix it.

Could you get in touch via so we can take a look at it? Thanks!

I tried twice but the email got bounced back saying it was a failure to send due to the server on your end. I used the email address on the support website. It may need to get fixed.
I’ll email the address you gave and see if it works.

Thank you

Hey @Airtower, sorry to hear that you couldn’t reach us via email.
I’ve just tested the support page and it seems to work for me but I really want to track this problem down. Can you let me know which page and what email you were trying to use?