ERROR Uncaught Error: Please restart

Error Uncaught error. Please report this to Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘experience’ of null (file:///Users/stephenmartin/Library/Application%20Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Game%20Dev%20Tycoon/ Please restart the game.

Enabled Mods:

Game Dev Tycoon Mod API by
GDTMP by Darkly
CompetitorMod by kristof1104 and DzjengisKhan
UltimateLib by Francesco Abbattista and Chad Keating
Custom Computer by unlucky4ever
[WIP] Achievements&Consoles by Jediwolf (Mostly Everything), Jakub (Some Consoles)
Game Version: 1.5.25

Platform: Mac

Distribution: Steam

I don’t know how to fix this and I’ve tried restarting tons of times… Please help! @Charlie

Don’t use UltimateLib or any mods that require it.

Any other ways i can fix it?

By not using untrustworthy ultimatelib mods.