Debian Squeeze: Can't install the Game :-(

I just bought the game today. Try to install it (Debian 6 Squeeze 64 Bit) and fails…
I get a depency - error: gconf-service needed. In the repos isn’t such a package :frowning:
(By the way - yes, I tried the 386-version and yes, I have ia386-libs installed… the
same error…

But these packages are in wheezy (debian 7) not in squeeze (debian 6)!!!

They should be

What does your sources.list look like?

Is already installed. Still wants gconf-service, which does not exist in squeeze…

If you used the Deb file than it must not be compatible with Squeeze as its looking for a package that doesn’t exist.

Try installing from source. Just make sure you have all the required dependencies and their dev versions. Should be very easy as its written using Node.js

I don’t want to compile or construct something. I bought a software and want to run it.

The easiest (and cheapest) method to support the gajillion Linux variations is to provide the source code. Which is exactly what they should give you. Debian Squeeze is old according to Debian, and if you are fan of the Debian team, you know that means the software versions are ancient.

When I’m not busy I can boot Squeeze on a VM and make a script or deb for squeeze. Again, I am assuming that this is your issue, but I can’t be certain until I try and install this game on Squeeze. I tend to use the latest Ubuntu for my desktop needs.

You don’t compile or construct Node.js either.