Console not selling any more units past 3.1 million?

I seem to have a hit game and apparently it is staying at 3.1m units. I still get income from it but, no more units are showing up sold. This bugs me due to me being a perfectionist, so i would like some quick responses, please.

I never experienced this problem, i don’t know what happened to you, i have to call the Mods or some other guys. Sorry. :frowning:

Could be that they’re only showing 1 decimal?

You’d have to sell 100.000 copies for it to rise.
You could sell 99.999 copies and get revenue from them, but it will not show, because the number of sold copies shown is not exact.

Title says “Console” and then you say “hit Game” in your post?

For a console it is possible that you have reached a sales cap, where you are still selling some, but like @DarkcowboyDK said it won’t show in your sales total.
Try making a console with better features so it will outmatch Playsystem 3/4 and the Mboxes.

For games, eventually sales will go down at the end, untill it will be taken of the market.

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