Hello there, I’m a budding web designer and I’m loving this game right now, however, I named the company <br /> because I thought seeing as how I’m getting into web development, it’d be a neat name for a company. Now, when I do this, it actually does a like break, and nothing is displayed at all. It’s pretty funny, and I can’t believe it even happened. I tried naming a game <B>Awesome</B> but nothing happened. So yeah, that’s the bug I guess. Thanks for making the game though, me and a friend bought it yesterday and it’s awesome!!
Yeah I thought the same too, I mean I guess <br /> is widely used in many languages, I noticed the ` character here allows code to be displayed, I wonder if that would work surrounding the company name in game.
Alright the ` key surrounding < br /> doesn’t work. So I’m not sure what else would fix it. I tried to post an image but as I’m a new user I couldn’t. I put a link to it though.
You could try escaping the angle brackets by using \ (\< and \>) before them. Another thing is trying < or >. Those are all common methods of escaping angle brackets.
That looks awesome, though I’m not overly familiar with languages at the moment so I’m not entirely sure how I’d write that in. I tried in here but coudn’t get it to work, though the <>'s showed up, the br didn’t.