Bugs everywhere


My name is Oscar. I have the game “Game Dev Tycoon”. I have bought the game in steam store.

Normally i play the game in a Pc with Core i5 and 16 Gb of RAM.
But in my vacations, only have an old Pc. Is a Pentium 4 HT @ 3Ghz with 1,5 Gb of RAM with an Intel 8286G graphics. I know, this is very low specifications for the game, but the game runs more or less.

The game have several bugs. specially when you change the office and contracts more people.

When do you need give holiday days for the workers, they are slow to appear, very very slow. When they start working again, they need vacations again, but not a bit, the whole bar is empty.

When the posters of GGG appears, other buttons are cleared.

The game apart is unbalanced.

The time between consoles are very small.
The history of “play station” it’s annoying. Too many signs in so little time.
The 3D v1.0 is more cheap than 2D v3 when the 3D is the real jump in the technology.
The 3D v2.0 It takes long to come out, historically speaking.

It’s unrealistic that the Game Gear is a favorable platform for adventures, and has more live than genesis.

Well, this is only a one part of the illogical aspects and some bugs.
Leave the screenshot with the bug.
URL -> http://i.imgur.com/nk6LUmk.jpg
I don’t use mods.

To be fair, early 3D games were just polygons.

Still it wasn’t that easy to develop early 3D graphics because of lack of employess with knowledge and tools etc

Well at that time 2D v3 looked better than 3D v1.0. I really like the 3D graphics of games from about 1998-2001, they looked really good, and at that time graphics didn’t matter much.


Me 2 :smile: It looks kinda funky, the unrealistic faces, the weird quality models… In GDT language those graphics are 3D V2 graphics, or 3D V3 graphics i think :wink:

That’s true, there is a “War of the Worlds” game for Windows 95. Every enemy you see in that game, is just an image in a bad quality 3D world that spins around in front of the camera XD

I agree, at that time, you can actually stay real, but now, Gaming has been slapped to the face.
On second thought; I think our posts are kinda off-topic…

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Yeah, let’s stop with the off-topic stuff :wink:

Many of these are problems that don’t happen in my version. It’s probably because of your hardware.

I think he should try going to the settings and switching the animations from smooth to… To… I forgot what it was called… Or was it quality? Haven’t played that game for a long time now because I’m too busy :wink:

Quality/Performance ?

Yup, something along those lines.

Did you guys noticed anything? This guy didnt choose his category!

U wot m8?

wait what? I don’t understand.

You mean it’s too many of them poping out?

Well, it happened like that in real life.

It’s different for everyone. I don’t agree.

And what is that bug on the screenshot again?