[BUG REPORT] Screen Filckering bug

Hello all! I’ve came into a bug that I need help with, and since there is no “support” category, I’ll just post it here.

When ever I start GDT the screen flickers a lot, I don’t know if its vsync or what, but it makes it un-playable.

Here’s a video to show you.

Epilepsy Warning.

EDIT #1:

I’ve disabled SLI mode on my computer and it is now working fine, I guess this is a bug @Stian and @Charlie, thanks for your help(s).

Is it running in fullscreen? Try running it windowed.

It was in windowed in the recording above.

Hmm. I doubt there’s anything the developers can do, GDT is technically just a website made into an application aka. it’s the browser’s fault.

Greenheart Games is “bundled” with a browser, Chromium :slight_smile: When you launch it through Steam, the browser opens the Game Dev Tycoon file. Its not a dumb question, dont worry :slight_smile:

Hey @iTitan

Your display looks stretched to me. Can you please check that you are using your monitors native resolution. Also if you could let us know which resolution you are using that might be helpful and also be sure to update your display drivers. Let us know how it goes.

Hey @Charlie

It looks streched because i had to crop it in editing. This is what it looks like right now:

My native res. is 1920x1080 and display drivers are up to date.


So, I tried to run it through the browser, and this happens:

That doesnt work, GDT uses special bindings to Steam etc.

Look at the edit in my post.


Great! @PatrickKlug, report this to the NW.js or Chromium team maybe? Odd that it hasn’t come up before. @iTitan, stick around and maybe we have some tests for you to improve the software used for the game :smiley:

I turnt on SLI again and its doing that bug again.


Thank you for the extra information. So the bug only occurs when you use SLI? In which case I would suggest not using SLI for Game Dev Tycoon.

After a few minutes researching I found that a flickering screen caused by SLI is a common enough issue. These threads offer many suggestions on causes and fixes though please understand that this is outside the remit of game support and anything you try is at your own risk.

Well folks, SLI ain’t the best way to use a computer.