Bug/Error: Uncaught Exception first time running Game Dev Tycoon

I purchased Game Dev Tycoon several days ago, after having bought the so-called “Game Tycoon 1.5” from a neighbor’s yard sale for $1 and realizing it wasn’t the game I hoped it was. Today, I finally ran it for the first time – I have the stand-alone, non-Steam PC version – and as it loaded, it came up with the following error:

Error Alert
Error Uncaught error. Please report this to support@greenheartgames.com: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input (file:///C:/Program%20Files/Game%20Dev%20Tycoon/defaultBrowser.html:0) Please restart the game.

Enabled Mods:

No mods activated.
Game Version: 1.5.11

Platform: Windows

Distribution: Standalone

As you can see, I have no mods whatsoever. Is there something I can do about this? Do you have a patch for this error? I had my Chrome browser open when I started the game… could that cause this error?

My system is Windows 7 Professional, 32-bit edition, on a Lenovo / IBM ThinkPad with 2.5 GB of RAM.

Thank you for any assistance you may be able to provide, I am looking forward to playing this game!

Its fine, doesn’t affect the game :slight_smile: Usually happens because node-webkit (the ‘engine’ if you may used for GDT) just says “Help, I don’t know what to do with this error!”. Shouldn’t cause any problems :slight_smile:

Yeah, I saw it was a Syntax Error, which are generally either easily solvable or else can be safely ignored… Thank you, I appreciate your rapid response! :smile:

Haha, no problem! Enjoy the game!

We are still trying to figure out why this happens. Unfortunately we have not been able to reproduce it yet and it seems that starting the game again, usually solves the issue.

Definitely not the first experience we want to give. Sorry about that :confused:

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