The Grapple Pack by Mrcrazypony
The Grapple Pack adds in various consoles relating to Grapple (Apple) in game. I have felt that Grapple is under recognized within Game Dev Tycoon, so this mod adds in TEN consoles, all representing some form of Grapple History. This mod’s consoles include:
- The Macintosh 128K
- The grMac GR3
- The grMac GR5
- The grMac (Entel Inside)
- The grMac (20 in. Aluminium)
- The grMac (21.5 in. Unibody)
- The grMac (Retina 5k Display)
- The grBook
- The grBook Pro
- The Grapple Watch
This mod requires UltimateLib.
Positive Feedback
“Lit” from Xray_dude
“Cool” from Squirtleawesome
“A Watch? Didnt See That Coming!” from TheRealGman