[0.1] [Tools] Beam Mod Maker

I thought it was like this:
0-12 = child
13-18 = teenager
18+ = adult

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Yes, because this totally feels like a competition. Yes, I stopped work on mine because of yours. People were settling with yours. Couldn’t be bothered. What a childish move, am I right?

Peradev made fake sites, threads and announcements. He made a small virus instead of a pre-alpha of TV Tycoon, then saying it was an ‘error’. Plenty of reasons to NOT trust him, now he tries to make a comeback with his emoticons.

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Oh jesus really? I did not know about that stuff. I stopped getting on these forums everyday a while ago so I totally missed that lol.

Not really, until you are 18 you are under care your you guardian or parent so you are still a child/minor. Like you you wouldn’t hear a parent saying these are my teens or even adults, they would say that these are my children. Childish is more a term for over 16 year olds I think.

Maybe its just how people behave. A 20 year old can be an adult but act like a child. And a 13 year old could have a young body but still acts like an adult. Physically, it’s true. But psychologically is a different story.

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you guys should start leaning code this program will have limits big ones

just do yours

don’t let anyone stand in your way. this is your goal. make a clear path to it

so? it’s a gateway, stop being so elitist.

well a gong to mit and am 40 kid dont go via school then we can talk

In no way do I believe you’re either 40 or in MIT. Pretty sure you’d have to be able to spell first. In addition, don’t get so offended cause I dared to suggest that some people don’t have the time or ability to learn to code, and that this program is a good way to remove the barrier presents for potential mod developers. So no, I don’t agree, and I also don’t see how bringing education into this is relevant, and if it is you should learn that people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.


Shots fired

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Elements fired

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Dang man. It just got real.

Something like that, I suppose.


OK but in that case, how come he’s in MIT? That place isn’t exactly easy to get into afaik. Also, doesn’t excuse his elitist behaviour, it literally just explains his spelling.

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wat just happened.

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@thewickman12332 said that he is going to MIT and that he’s 40 years old, but…

@CrumpDev doesn’t believe that he is going to MIT, or that he is 40 years old, but…

Will Game #2 ever release to stop all the horror? You will see it in this broadcast, coming from GHG.

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