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Freaking no-lifers gamers is hanging there.

Game is good, and its not “like other” games like someone else said.

*removed inappropriate language //Patrick

This seems a LOT like Game Dev Story, a game that is available on Android and IOS and was released in 2010.

I’ve long wanted a PC version of it, I’m playing through the demo now before I decide to buy, but after the tutorial I have to say this is in no way an original concept. Gameplay is nearly identical.

It’s entertaining, it’s fun and I’m probably going to buy it, but you can’t say it’s not like other games, it is.

I find it hilarious people are up in arms about this game being so similar to Kairo’s game yet people eat up iteration after iteration of modern day military FPS’s like sugar coated bacon.

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I was neither up in arms, nor do I care for Medal of Honor, Modern Warfare, [insert generic shooter here]. I was just pointing out to the homophobic ass-hat above me that this IS in fact like other games.

The developers of this game can not possibly have been working on this as an original idea since before October 2010 and maintain that they’ve never heard of Game Dev Story. I’m sure it was used as inspiration in fact, and there’s nothing wrong with that, unless they deny it.

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and Game Dev Story was in turn inspired by tens of similar games that were released from as early as 1984 on. I really do not see why everyone is so worked up about this.



from a game made in 1992. Let’s just end this non-discussion now, shall we.





the origin of this type of game goes probably back to the early 1970s btw. Lemonade Stand. You surely have seen it in one form or another.

Game dev story was originally released in 1997 on PC in Japan only. That said there is another game similar to this called GameBiz which came out in 2008, and had sequels in 2009, and 2010.

gamedevtycoon is hardly a copy and the developers of this game even said they were inspired by GameDevStory but this game is far deeper. GameDevStory is very arcady and this is more business like. Further this game has so many features Story doesn’t, like research, game engines, and publishers.

On the surface they appear similar but when you get into them they are dramatically different.

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Why all the hate… So is that to say that BF/COD series games are a copy from the OLD wolfenstein game, since it WAS the first FPS game to be released…