Ye Olde Florian Beere


The oldest legend (lolnope) in all the Greenlands. (no, just me).

But seriously, FlorianBeer. Who is he? Humanity has been pondering this question for decades, no, centuries, NO, MILLENNIA.

(enter awesome flashback thingy)

Ever since the Stone Age, humans have been carving… carvings into anything they could carve into. These carvings were mistaken for aliens. No. It was Florian Beer.

In the 1700’s. The Illuminati was founded. It was created for a utopian society (i think). But who first thought of this ‘Utopian Society’? Sir Francis Bacon? NO. Piggy based his theories on an embodiment of… (yea, dat’s right) FLORIAN BEER.

In July, 1969 (lol), NASA got TWO man on the moon. This man (Neil Armstrong, maiden name Florian), was a member of the Illuminati, and worshiped FlorianBeer. Do you know what he said when he took his first steps on another planet? It was these words:

’ One small step for Florian, one giant step for beer’.

And now, GHG has been blessed by his eminency, his grace, his lordship. We must worship him. (now. like, right now).

But first, we must persuade the unbelievers. The cynics. The lineliars (jk jk, ok i’ll jump off a bridge now).




Not 1700’s?
Wasn’t bavarian Illuminaties founded in 1700’s?

No, actually 3 men.

How do you know?
That’s the only information I’ve found:
"Aldrin’s mother’s maiden name was Moon"
close enough

And Neil said this:
That is something like
It’s one small step for man, but giant leap for ma-something

@FlorianBeer is some kind of the boss of the forum for technical side, at least I think so.

I am your admin! So yes, basically god…

To get an idea about what I do read the BOFH archives here: Bastard Operator From Hell

Knew it.
What about
@system ?

It’s the system account.

Haxor. Haxor.

Haxor Haxor Haxor.

I didn’t research any of this. I typed this all in in like 3 minutes.

I made up half of this

######Also, NASA got two men on the moon, not three

Anyway, a haxor ( @Haxor ) has to be careful when talking to a SysOp.


I went straight to ‘My Dad’. god

If you mean Apollo 11, they sent out three people. Aldrin, Armstrong and … Collins(I think).
If you mean NASA.
It’s way more than three.

Okay, not that much, but just more than 3.

:confused: We’re going off-topic.

Yeah I mean Apollo 11, Armstrong, Aldrin went on the moon, while Collins piloted.

Oh well.
He still was technically on the Moon…

And was he really named Collins? I was just guessing

Ja. 3 letters away from my name :frowning: