Workshop - Day 3

Things are progressing well and it’s very likely that Workshop support will be made public in the coming week.

The one technical hurdle we discovered is that GDT.getRelativePath() does not always return a correct value but there is an easy workaround and we updated our guidelines for this.

At the moment we have 13 mods in the Workshop. @alphabit and @SirEverard’s mods should also make an appearance soon.

I think the main thing that would make the Workshop items look better is if modders use the ability to edit their workshop item pages, editing the description of their mods and making use of the ability to add further images, or even videos.

I expect that there will be a sudden influx of mod-users once we release Workshop support and naturally players will gravitate towards mods that are presented in an attractive way.


Yeah, will edit my Mod’s page with more stuff and images, but, when the workshop will be public, will the API be extended with more features?

Potentially, yes. I opened a modding wishlist a few months ago and heaps of these changes made it into 1.5.x. - The game is also very easily customizable (as shown by the UltimateLib) so modders can also create their own extensions to the API. The API itself is also open source and we welcome pull requests.

If you do have specific wishes just add them to the modding wishlist.

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Have’t seen that.