[WIP] VideoGameNerdExpansionPack MOD!

400 Lines?? That’s cute :baby: , I’d rather have my 3500+ lines of code :wink: (just kidding of course haha ^^)

Yeah, but you’ve been working on it actively and you’re also about 12x more experienced. If you could help by trying to find any more bugs then you have already fixed, it’s be helpful.

I agree @apljee we might need to start from scratch. because this just isn’t working!

Also, we need to actually commit to the mod. It’s actually in some cases harder than doing the code - committing to the mod so that you don’t randomly quit it and stop working on it.

@apljee ok. and tell me when you want to start from scratch. and i might not be able to work on it like every single day because my screen is still broken! :frowning: (texting this on the phone right now).

Box Art?

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pick from variations?

i like this but this is something @DzjengisKhan or @kristof1104 could do. im not that good.

My Computer Is Fixed! So I can start working on the mod again! But I think I’m going to wait until The Ultimate Suite/ Ultimate Lib is released. So it will be easier to make.
(@apljee so you can see this).

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@AnthonyVGNerd Can you check out my only topic and see those ideas. Plz use any of them.

@Awesome I really like the YouTube feature and I might try it, but all the others I wouldn’t know where to start. You’d have to ask more experienced modders, I.E. DzjengisKhan, kristof1104, Alphabit, Or Sir Everard, Etc.

I know what to do, we could find out how to code an addition to the menu, and make it ‘MyTube’. From there, you can hire people to play your games. Each ‘tuber’ will bring in a profit of 10k/week, but they get more expensive each time. eg, first mytuber will cost 100, 2nd will cost 500, 3rd 2500, etc

or they could all cost 10k each and bring in a profit of 1k/week

@apljee great idea man! We could try this.

And we could use names like: Snap Crackle Ken (Cinnamon Toast Ken), Laugh (Cry), and idk one for PewDiePie Lol

MooDooPie, CrashGames, ModernmanFilms, Crasher… I could go on and on

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@AnthonyVGNerd and I are probably going to be looking for people to help with this mod, because last time, we hardly had any help.

Also, we asked @kristof1104 for help on the ‘MyTube’ idea.

The mod went red. I think I’m suppoced to tell you. What went wrong? I put the venemous thigny api into the mods folder. Can you help??

do you have the gdt api?