[WIP] Swiftly Platforms Mod [0.1]

Made from the Ultimate Mod Maker, this mod adds 6 new platforms from the second generation of video game consoles.

:computer: Consoles:

  • Intellivision
  • VTech Vision
  • Cassette Vision
  • Arcadia 2001
  • Atari 5200
  • ColecoVision

:calling: Download

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I know this is wip, but I have a few recommended consoles:
3DO Interactive Multiplayer
Sega Saturn
Sega Nomad (A sequel to the Sega game gear)
The Nintendo 3DS (no Nintendo 2ds please, that used 3ds games, also don’t make slim consoles, they use the games from the fatter versions.)
The New Nintendo 3DS
Atari 2600 (Which would be at the start If I am correct in my history)

That’s all, again, good luck with this.

WIP is work in progress so yes I will add those

I think you go a little overboard with advertising your mod everywhere :joy:

Sega Genesis/MegaDrive = Nomad

Nomad is just a portable version of the sega genesis

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Yeah but you could say that about every portable console, the game gear was a portable version of the Master System and the PSVita is a portable system of the ps3/ps4.

Will you change Atari’s name to something else? Some mods making it “Itara” “Matari” and such things. If people use multiple mods it will be a huge mess and confusion in console names and there will be duplicate consoles. I suggest you can make this mod compatible with others. Example: In X mod your Matari 6200 is Itara 6200. So If X mod is loaded by player, Itara 6200 will removed-bypassed and there will be only one name for Atari and only one 6200. I know there is a lot of platform mods but you can add a “Compatible Mods List” Well i talked too much. Thank you.

It’s compatible with all mods… No matter what other mods have it is compatible with all mods

You just can’t actually use the real names of the platforms

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I can because this is a modification. Green Heart Games can’t because there a company selling a game

Well you may be right but it won’t be compatible and i have get uncomfortable myself seeing the same console with different names. And FOR THE FLYING FUDGE I WROTE 10 LINES OF TEXT SOMEONE COULD JUST TELL ME I WAS RIGHT.