[WIP]Jack's Adventure [RPG]

#First Shop Timelapse

You just got a sneak peak into the VERY first shop in the game!


Fishes (Small/Medium/Big)
Any type of food

Food (Edible)

And you will also be able to add a person to your party here!


? I also applied…

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Thank you all who applied so far :slight_smile: We got enough now but if people still want a chance you have until July 31st

You can apply Here if you still want a chance

#Tough Night
Working on the game night over. In about 20 degrees celsius… and felt like i had to get water before I passed out, haha. it’s all good

Currently Working on
The Village "Bridgeworth"
Fixing bugs
Adding background music and last sound effects

And a secret passage…
Wonder what that could be, hmm? :wink:

**Thank you all who keeps track of the progress of my little “Project”

Can’t wait to actually “release” the final game and share it with everyone on the forums!

I can help translate into Canadian.

how different is canadian to any other english speaking??

Well, we say ‘eh’ after every sentence, we can only speak after we drink a divine drink, known as ‘maple syrup’ . We sometimes speak in our native tongue of igloo.


#Update #8 (29/7/2014)

Day/Night cycle!

Today I’ve just added Day/Night cycle and will take place in the Demo version aswell.
When you start up the game it will start at 1 PM so you don’t start in the middle of the night (right now it starts 12 AM but will changed upon the release of the Demo version.

The cycle
A whole day is about 24 minutes (12PM - 12AM)

Day states
Pre Sunrise
Pre Sunset

Just like with the hud (Update #3) you can remove the clock by using “SHIFT”

NOTE: After some testing with it I found a lot of bugs with the “darkening” system. So you will be left with the clock. I will be working on fixing the system but may take a lot of time.


#Demo Version out!
Since I finished it quicker I am ready to release it to the applicants.

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@JackBank will this game be free?

Yes :slight_smile:

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#Demo Version 2 (30/07/14)
~Changed arrow keys to WASD instead of arrow keys… Menues still uses arrow keys
+Added sprint option. By pressing SHIFT you can sprint
~Fixed some spelling mistakes
~Fixed bug where you would go and talk to “Bryant” with the party member and “Bryant” would get stuck.
~Changed the controls of the HUD and clock appearance. Instead of D use CTRL and instead of SHIFT for the clock use ALT

Expected in Demo Version 3:
New areas
More people around the town
People that have few quests

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@JackBank feel free to use any sprites, scripts, and other things (map files) that you can get from my old game that I made in RPGMVXA. If you only use RPGMVX, then the sprite files and scripts (should) be fine.

Anyways, I’ll PM you the DL link.

Thank you! :slight_smile: I will take a look at them :slight_smile: and I use RPGMVXA myself :slight_smile:

@JackBank I’m not too familiar with transferring maps from games, but if you find a map called “eester ege” do me a favour and delete it. :stuck_out_tongue: Anyways, there will be a lot of sprites (most likely) in my games folders because I made quite a few custom sprites.

Ok I will :slight_smile: And it looks pretty neat! :stuck_out_tongue: I may actually use these in the game :slight_smile: Thank you very much

The game cannot be converted to android or iOS… so i guess we will have to wait until you are on your PC again

@JackBank I use my brothers laptop and occasionally my own laptop. I still have a PC, but it’s broken… it still turns on? :stuck_out_tongue:

wait that message wasn’t meant to sent to you LOL