[WIP] ExtraFunMod - 0.0.2

Welcome to the ExtraFunMod!

This mod adds 41 new custom game engine researches that will become available when you first start the game to when it ends.
There are also 21 new topics to choose from!

This is my very first mod and it is made the GDT-ModAPI so there is nothing required. This is a very early version of the mod as I plan to add more research, more platforms, and more topics in the future.

Please leave feedback on how the mod runs. I will point out that you should test this mod on a brand new save. I have tried numerous times on a already started save and for some reason, it will break the save and when you leave the game from a already started save, it will give you an error then you have to shut down Game Dev Tycoon through the Task Manager.

Also leave feedback on what kind of things you want in the mod. I cannot do anything too fancy as this is my first mod and I am still pretty new to modding. I am going to try to add a new platform like I said. So tell me if there is a topic or engine research that you would like added to the mod.

The last thing I need you guys to do is tell me if there are any topics or researches that seem to be copying other mods or overlapping with other mods. If anything in this mod is overlapping with other mods(like having a same topic as another mod), then it was on accident! I will make sure to take anything out that seems to be overlapping majorly!

**Here are the version edits:**
  • 0.0.1 - First Version
  • 0.0.2 - Added 3 new Topics and 3 new Game Engine Research. Also added mod’s latest version to the Steam Workshop.

To get the mod, click on the link below or, go to the Steam Workshop and search for ‘ExtraFunMod’ and this mod will pop up!

Grab the mod’s latest version here!

Cheers! :smiley:


Hey there. That’s how I started too. In one month, you will have added, like 10 platforms, 150+ researches and topics, made events, and even a custom UI, like me. But you better upload to workshop too.

Just updated the mod and added it the Steam Workshop. The new version is 0.0.2.

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Tip, how my friend told me to use versions:

a = complete rewrite of the mod
b = major content/ revamps etc
c = minor content, like a few topics
d = small bugfixes.


I might use that method but I am not sure if I will. I might do it like this:
A = complete rewrite/initial release
b = major content/revamp
c = minor content or bug fixes

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@VlentfulGaming I would do it like that :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m looking for research mods
Extrafunmod - check


@KizzaGaming Thank you, Kizza. I probably will because I also know that most other mods only have 3 numbers in them.

@Gamingthrou Glad to see that you like all of the available research. I will be adding more as time goes on. I will hopefully add some new platforms as well.

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As you wish. It gives me more control to my mods. I wish you the best!