[¿WIP¿] Coti CMS

Just thought I’d mention that I just started a CMS called Coti (CO mmuni TI(y)). Check it out if you want to! :smiley:


Tu habla espanol?

Why not just use MySQL, MySQLi, or PDO for the database? and I also recommend using OOP structure instead of just using the basic PHP syntax. Just a few suggestions when it comes to building a CMS. :sunglasses:

Never mind, I’ve noticed that you are using MySQLi in the “index.php” file. :smile:

Yup :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems nice, and thanks for giving me push access​:smile: I’ll certainly be helping out with this CMS as much as I can​:blush::ok_hand:

Tu habla muy bien. :smile:

Why are you speaking in spanish? I replied to Dayron.

Any updates on Coti yet ?

Personally working on authenticayion and users. I’ve also been securing a few security traps :slight_smile:

Nice man :grin: Do you plan on adding an administration panel ?

Similar to Wordpress, yes.


Just added a configuration file to Coti CMS. So instead of having to write the MySQLi connection script

$mysqli = new mysqli($ip, $user, $password, $database);
if ($mysqli->connect_error) { echo("Could not connect to MySQL database."); exit; }

Over and over again, you can just add one of these scripts to the top of the page when you need to connect to the database.




Thank you! Been busy with math tests the last couple of days, sorry! Back to work today :smiley:

What do you plan on accomplishing today ? :grin:

Making users work, first and foremost :stuck_out_tongue: Then, the god damn navigation bar. I also need to make CSS files for customizability for the site owner aka. user styles.

So a user system for them to register and log in?


Dont worry, I know about hashing and salting.

What kind of encryption will you be using? MD5, SHA1, Blowfish, ect… or just create your own ?

I recmmend bcrypt, because most of cryptographic hash functions (SHA, MDA) are easy to crack. I will personally go with something like bcrypt, which is very secure method of storing password.

But SHA256 is okay for basic protection (I use it in my projects too :stuck_out_tongue:)

Btw. if you are interested, you can read more about password storing in this great article