[WIP] Announcement Create Mod: Game Dev Tycoon

Hello I am here today bringing news that I’m developing a program to develop mods for game dev tycoon, version 1.0.0 this 80% ready’m doing some adjustment that occurred unforeseen errors, but when you leave the version 1.0.0 you make your poderar Topics with mod and platforms, research and Events are being made to version 2.0.0, when a new wrath update to show a message in your program when starting.

I’m Brazilian so if you want to talk to me add me on Skype:


Please use Clowfish and place to translate into Portuguese to facilitate, Patrick’m translating very easily Tycoon Game Dev when finished languages.js send you the file.


See the First Picture: Click Here

I’ll release a demo mod made ​​the Create Mod: Game Dev Tycoon.

By: TMBrazukas


Email: thourtlon_14@hotmail.com
Skype: Thourtlon_Gabriel

Bye Thanks for Attention

WebSite: Click Here


Hi @TMBrazukas,

Really awesome idea, but i have a question ^^

What will people be able to add with the tool?
Only the things currently supported with the API, or are you able to go beyond that.

Either way, looking forward to the tool (not sure if i’m going to use it though ;))

~~~ DzjengisKhan ~~~

Hello DzjengisKhan

I do not quite understand your question.

But what I’m entedi Reply.

With this tool you poderar make a mod that increases the duration of your game that ends in nar Playsystem 5 and mbox Next and yes you do poderar finished long after poderar printed, add more.

Anyone who wants to use the tool can use can even facilitate performance.

More if that was not the answer of your question please use details.

I’m not American but Brazilian.

If you want a translator, I can help you, I’m brazilian too and I see that you are not very experienced in english or are using a translator like babelfish.

Se vc precisar de um tradutor eu posso lhe ajudar, eu sou brasileiro tambem e estou vendo q vc ou tem pouca experiencia em inglês ou está usando um tradutor como o babelfish.

P.S. Escrevi nas duas línguas para q os outros q estão lendo entendam tambem.

What is Poderar?

OMG, I’ve made an idea (on forum) about a mod generator, and now it’s a reality

when can you tell me its gonna finish?


Do you mean you are translating your mod into PT-BR?
We already have a finished PT-BR translation for the main game. You can find out more here;

You can access the PT-BR translation for Game Dev Tycoon from the options menu inside the game.

He used google translator and it didn’t translate “poderar” that is ‘could’ ‘can’ depends of the context. In this case it would be ‘can’.

With this tool you “can” make a mod…

Hello I am bringing news of the Create Mod: Tycoon Game Dev, it will have 4 different languages​​, English, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, wrath came with a pack of 30 images, 15 of them are from other platforms and Old Mobile Phones, Example: Galaxy S1-S4, SmathPhone, Iphone and Ultrabook.


1 - Adder Topics = Finish
2 - Adder Platarformas = 50%
3 - Debug = 30%

Perhaps anger be released 1.0.0 on Day 16/12/13

Not sure

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I also had this idea, I will do this to make things easier, do not like being the only one on the market after the game ends, so I made this for you throw mods to let the game longer.

The Pre-Release Beta 0.5.0 will be the 16th of the month 12 year 2013.

Official release of version 1.0.0 will be the 20th of the month 12 year 2013.

Thank you for your attention.

1 Like

I am Sorry.

Because I’m Brazilian and non-US

oi @TMBrazukas vc é do brasil me adiciona no facebook Link:https://www.facebook.com/kaio.felipe.fodastico
me de uma ajuda de como criar mods e tal por favor.(se puder é claro,rsrs)

links are broken for me

(sorry for my englis)Talking about the translation to portuguese-brazilian i can do that but im not learn about the text of the game and ill need a help for this

Falando sobre a tradução para o portugues brasileiro eu posso fazer isso mas eu não sei sobre os textos do jogo e eu precisa-rei de ajuda

Me ajuda a fazer programação,estou com planos para fazer um mod mas preciso de ajuda de programação e grafica,eu tenho o photoshop mas não sei utiliza-lo para fazer um mod de game dev story
por favor me ajuda

É Brasil !!! o/

a mod generator… great idea, man.

i saw your website, and i didn’t see an “Add Research” tool in the news about the 1.0.0 ver.
you discarded the “Add Research” tool idea that appears in the image?

and one more thing… can you put an explanation about these genre and audience weightings together with the mod generator? it could be very useful for those who do not know much about these values.

and finally, eh noix! o/

(estou postando em ingles pq talvez tenha mais gente com essa mesma duvida ^^)

Is it out yet? it’s the 21st today and you said it would be released on the 20th… Also, is it in English?

Oh nevermind. I noticed on your website it will be released tomorrow. Sorry about that! Also, I noticed that it will be in 4 different languages including English!

I still cant access the website