Windows 8 app comes with 1.2 version?

İ bought game 3 days ago. when i look permission menu under settings menu says edition of my game is 1.2 ?? is there any patch came up or what can i do for this.i want to play latest edition of my game.


The changelog states that 1.2.1 (I think that is) is currently getting tested for Windows 8 App Store. The Linux and the game off the game’s website has been updated but expect the new update for the App to be out sometime in the next week hopefully :L Here is what the changelog says:

Windows 8 Store: 1.2.0 (x86/x64) – 1.2.2(ARM) (no update yet – ETA next week) - So in other words, the Linux and Store versions will be completed by next week.

Since the release of the Desktop edition (which is currently on 1.3.13), the ModernUI edition hasn’t been receiving much love. However, as the ModernUI edition was more stable, it didn’t require so much work.

That being said, @PatrickKlug has mentioned in the past that the ModernUI edition will receive some updates when 1.4 is released in order to bring it up to date with the Desktop and Steam editions.

What is the Modern UI?

ModernUI is the official name for the interface formally known as Metro (there was a legal issue with the name when they ported it from Windows Phone to the desktop, so they had to change the name).