[Win] Game doesn't load - white screen

I’m uploading a test-build for those affected by the white-screen and fps lag issues.
If you want to help us test it, please write an email to support@greenheartgames.com and mention your order number

ok I have sent an email now just waiting for a reply

Do you have system proxy settings in IE and would using no proxy (and no proxy autodetection as well) makes difference?

I don’t think proxy services would make a difference as the game when launched doesn’t interact with your browser or internet.

Hello everyone,

I am not a computer expert but I’ve searched a solution for this problem. When I launched the demo version, I had a white screen then a black one. No image but the sound. I don’t know if that is exactly the problem some of you have but if so I think I have a solution.

For my computer, I think the problem is about the max resolution my computer can have, which is 1366x768 and I read ( but don’t remember where unfortunately ) that the system requirements asks a higher one.

Please know that I am not at all an expert so I might be wrong.

What I did is what is on the following image. Don’t worry about the language on the image, just use the same buttons.

Image; http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/109/gamedevhelp.png/

On your desktop, right click on the game, go properties then properties and use " execute with 256 colours " and ok.

Your colours on the CPU will be ugly when you start the game. But it’s perfectly fine. I first did it with the demo, since I played it twice that way I said " right, the game is cool and playing that way, well you get use to it " so I bought the game to try my solution, it works both with the demo and full version.

I hope it might help some of you!

Unfortunately this just made my computer look awful and didn’t fix the problem. I’m pretty sure you can play the game in any resolution anyway.

I used the test build still didn’t work though

Same, I’ve already spoke to the support team about it. Hopefully in the next few patches it will be fixed.

Right. But node-webkit used to have bug that crashes the renderer process on startup when detecting proxy settings. And when the renderer process crashes, you’ll see a white screen.

this seems like it could be the problem. we had several users report that they could play without an internet connection but with internet connection there are slow-downs or issues.

@gnor, any idea how we could solve this? We only have two calls which require a connection. One is for the update check and one for anonymous analytics.

Turns out I can play the game perfectly well after disabling my internet. It’s a mild inconvenience but you were right gnor, thanks.

I had loads of help from the amazing support team who were able to guide me and resolve the issue, thanks everyone!

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@Jamdude1 Could you please provide detailed info on your network settings? as well as the system proxy settings in IE. Thanks in advance.

There are many people who are having this problem. Shouldn’t this be a number one priority fix for the developers? I understand that there are other issues aswell but still…

What do you mean by network settings? I don’t have IE installed, the only browser I have is Google Chrome Canary and I don’t have any proxies set up.

@Flipflopflip: They are trying to fix this, they just haven’t been able to reproduce it, but it look slike thanks to the help of @gnor that they might be on to something.

@Jamdude1: everybody on windows has Internet Explorer installed, if you choose to use it or not that’s another matter.

You can check the IE options via the control panel then “Internet Options” (you might need to put the “view by” in the top right to “Small Icons” to see it like that), you can then check the connection tab for proxy/lan settings.

Another way of getting to it if you are on vista/win7 is to click on your start menu/windows blob and type “internet options” in to the search box at the bottom.

I have Internet Explorer uninstalled, I’m sure others do as well so not everyone with Windows has IE. I’m not using a proxy connection for my internet.

Very few go as far as to actively uninstall internet explorer, most just install another browser, make it default and forget about it.

Whom ever found out that its the internet connection which troubles the game deserves a medal. I have tried playing the game with disabled connection and it works! Well done my friend.

@PatrickKlug and @Fyb3roptik: This affects Linux users as well. A simple fix is to set the NO_PROXY (and no_proxy) environment variable to “,localhost” before launching the game (so with export NO_PROXY="…" in the wrapper script before ./gamedevtycoon-bin).

Thanks. How can it be reproduced in Linux? What’s your environment settings and proxy settings? Did you see the white screen as well?