Why the hell has this happened? o_O

Is it just me, or is this a insanely early hit game? Hell, it was only my third one! I’m actually confused, anyone know why this would happen so early? o_O

RIGHT AFTER THIS! What the :green_heart:

AND AGAIN! How! ;-;

So, 3 hit games in a row? Either luck, good topics/genre or i smell hacks

Well, i did wait a month after each game was finished to release it… maybe i found a hidden Secret?

What were the game topics and genre, if possible, where did you put the sliders?

The one with all straigh 10’s used Samurai from a mod, it was action. I Gave some of the - and – sliders a chance, the all 10 one was a racing game, and space Marines 2 : the Return was a space action game. I gave the - and – a chance on all of them. And of course, the + and ++ sliders were maxed Also… two games later,

Hahaaha What will you do? Good name, what’s the topic/genre for that?

Survival Adventure , what will you do meaning what will you do to survive

Realesed a game without waiting a month… and this happened

HA, a hit game at years 2?
Even GreenHeartGames did this earlier^^

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True enough :stuck_out_tongue:

What a luck ^^

I call hacks!

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My minimum is Year 3 month 6 or so around my 5th game or so, also releasing a 7+ game on each genre improves your chance of a perfect 10/10 Game!

Y U Hav 6,5m And You are in Garage?

It’s a lot better to wait some time before you go in the office. Like 10m or so. The second is ridiciously difficult without a proper amount of money. With more money saved up in the garage you will get a lot further and it’s a lot easier to progress.

Emm I Am waiting for 2,5m.
Sometimes (those first) I just had 1m, and boom Let’s go!

Well, you probably didn’t hit year 35 in that playthrough. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ofcourse, not in my first play.
I Did it in my third (I just wasn’t playing second a month, so. so. so.)so.
But, even then I had about 1,3M

Luck. :wink: