Why does my consoles always suck?

Every time I create a game console in always end up terrible.

There’s a quality assurance bar. I didn’t notice it the first time I made a console. Try to max it out when you make one, it’s on the same screen with the name and image selection.

Quality assurance is very important as well as having enough features and at least 3Dv4 in your console. ( depending on what year. ) After year 30 its reccomended to have at least 3Dv6.

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If you can release your console before the Playstation 3, release it with 3Dv4. After that, 3dv5. If you’re in the Playstation 4 era, 3dv6 is needed.

If you get the hardware lab running early enough, you can milk the market by releasing more consoles, constantly upgrading your prior offering!

I had Like 2D V7 for my console, sold around 4m copies in 15 years giggle

Just like in real life, consoles suck.
It’s a law of nature.

Just remember to make ports for superior platforms really really shitty, and you’ll have a picture perfect realistic simulation :wink:

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Don’t forget to make them really expensive.