Where's the CDI?

So in my most recent play of the game I made it to the announcement of the Play-Station, (Or Play system. :stuck_out_tongue:) but I realized that it’s missing a piece of history, The epic Fail, CDI console, it was Philips attempt for a CD running console once the Nintendo/Sony one failed.
The CDI inevitably failed, but that’s why I think it should be in Dev Tycoon, It will test the players knowledge of past systems as they will have to decide whether or not to dev a game for the CDI.
Just my thoughts.


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There are dozen “consoles” in real life that failed horribly.

The game tells a story about the consoles/platforms that had the biggest impact on the business, adding failed consoles would ruin that.

I’m pretty sure though that someone made a mod that includes those consoles.

I suppose the CDI should be in there since it’s so popular…

My mod will include this! Stay tuned!