What / who would you inherit your fortune to?

Continuing the “Death” series, what or who would you give your fortune to? (besides the fact that you haven’t made a fortune with your depressing and disappointing lives)

I would inherit it to your mom.

For a nickel.


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I would give it to my waifu in CS:GO skins

A surgery to remove my frontal lobe, a bridge, lots of pills, lots of wodka… Yep, I think we are done here :wink:

I love wodka too.

Same, but I prefer win, it’s personally my favorite.

The unnoficial GHG newspaper

For the people that can't afford wodka, pills or the official one

(Warning: Rated ‘S’ for shi– sandvich)
@Jediwolf, @WaveJones and @Lukas_Schuurman are going to drink wodka and take pills?

Unnoficial Skype Chat,

For the people that can’t download Skype

4:80 PM

8:04 PM

0:84 PM

This, and much more in:

The unnoficial GHG newspaper

For people that drink wodka and smoke pills for wanneba-gangster club.

Bruce Wayne


bootmon already has more than 10$, why give him moar

Truce Brain
Use Brain
Luce Bayne
Wruce Bayne

Those are 4 reasons to NOT give your money to Bruce Wayne :wink:

My fiance and my soon to be child(ren)

Good for you, man! Happy travels!

I would inherit it to my brother
but wait
I don’t have fortune


*insert depressing music* I wish we could upload music files

u can still do utube

youtube is for nooblets
I only do metube