What happens when you play 69 rounds of CSGO with @Haxor and @Today

Yeah, wierd things happen.
Screenshots: none(damn it @Haxor)
Edit: yeah there is part 2
screenshot: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=499041531

  1. You wasn’t supposed to be able to use the darn console
  2. I didn’t know I was the one who should make screenshots
  3. We haven’t really played 69 rounds, but 65
  1. who gives a cookie you basically removed jumping with sv_gravity
  2. cuz its ur server braaaaaaaa
  3. cuz maxrounds(or whatever) is kebab

who is the real kebab here, huh?

grabs popcorn


eats popcorn

steals popcorn
eats popcorn

waits for haxor to puke popcorn
eats popcorn

goes back in time
doesn’t puke popcorn

buys new popcorn cause eating puke is gross

tells crumpdev that it’s okay

hacks into haxor’s stomach

makes bad hackception joke
leaves with the popcorn in purse

destroys car

walks with legs

cuts off legs

Eats the legs, cuz he has nothing to eat. And he hates popcorn.

<img src="/uploads/default/original/2X/1/1a382cea24b0496e06e86ea6560022a6764a67bc.png" width=333" height=“250”>

What do you mean this isn’t the thread I was supposed to bring my fries to


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You forgot to make it italic.

eats popcorn