<Meta content-type=“disclaimer” style=“brevity: none;”>This getting to be a long thread so I’m sure everything I say next has already been expressed in some form or another. Though, with a large topic, opinions and discussion points start to become statistical frequency data and the more samples the better, right?
To be clear about my balance of opinion beforehand, I am thoroughly impressed with your company and game. If what follows seems to dwell on negative points, consider this analogy: You enjoy a meal at a new restaurant, you comment “That was the best Tagliatelle I’ve ever had! End of Story! But I could go on forever about everything wrong with the Ricciarelli”. You still go back next week and order a different dessert.</Meta>
I think your method of handling piracy is inspired and clever but the implementation could have used a bit more refinement; specifically, I think you were too vague. A possible alternate route would have been to deliver the in game piracy notices with decreasing subtlety and a strong sense of humor. For example, start with your current message but gradually alter the message so that after 5 or 6 such warnings you spell it out for the pirate with a message similar to:
Piracy is a real problem in the game industry. If you help make it less of a problem in the real world you’ll find that it will be less of a problem in your copy of Game Dev Tycoon. Please visit Greenheart Games to find out more. {{link to conversion page}}
Don’t skimp on the humor and don’t let them see passive aggressive anger (even if that’s what you’re really feeling). If you can make people laugh, albeit at themselves, you can get many of them to turn around and give you their support. Pirates are not inherently evil or malicious because most people are not inherently evil or malicious. If allowed, or occasionally encouraged, to introspect, most people would prefer to think of themselves as good. In saying that you have no beef with people that legitimately can’t afford to or are otherwise unable to purchase your game, I think you agree with my preceding point.
Back in my college years, in the pre-historic days before Steam and their famous fire-sales, my monthly budget usually included a hard decision between ramen and caffeine. Back then, my entertainment budget was near zero and the piracy option was tempting. Since then, however, I’ve made it a point of principal to buy every game I play; the hypocrisy of being an aspiring software developer and pirate did not escape me when I was broke (I was going to exercise the fifth amendment but that turned this paragraph into a caricature of the Monty Python “wink, wink, nudge, nudge” sketch); I’m trying to make amends for it now. Not counting online subscription games (I either helped put some developer’s kid through college or paid for a fixture in a Sony exec’s private washroom with my EverQuest 2 account), I have a Steam account with 112 games worth over $1400 after significant price depreciation of older titles. My point here is that you shouldn’t allow yourselves to get upset over piracy and fall into despair over the state of your fellow man; there may be many pirates that do not convert for you today but many of them will cross over eventually and will hopefully remember you fondly when opening their wallets for you and other game developers is less depressing and, therefore, more common.
I have not played the “cracked” version so I can only speculatively comment on the added difficulty level in that version. I am, however, tempted to find it and toss it into a VM with no network interface so that it doesn’t phone home and further skew your piracy stats. I agree with commenters on this and other forums that say the cracked version should not be impossible, just harder. Perhaps it should have been balanced in such a way that having legitimate copies unlock it as a challenge or endurance mode after completing the standard game would be viable.
You have received a very significant amount of press for your anti-piracy method. When I search for “Game Dev Tycoon” on Google, the first two results are your website (great SEO, props) and Wikia and everything else is a news article or blog post on your meta-piracy tactic. If I’m correct, or at least not completely wrong, in my above critique that you could have implemented this idea better, in the specific case of this game, any faults due to vagueness have been completely eclipsed by the press coverage spelling it out repeatedly and at length for anyone who doesn’t get why their virtual game company keeps losing money to pirates.
You have also, no doubt, been flooded with legitimate orders after appearing on Slashdot, Fark and everywhere else. Once the dust settles, you should have enough cash on hand for a well deserved post-release celebration. Unfortunately, you will also have a collection of piracy statistics that are so tainted as to be meaningless. As a contrast to the scenario of a legitimate customer of a AAA title obtaining a cracked version because StarForce, SecuRom or some other DRM system does not play nice with their system (I’m a software developer who’s had various game DRM schemes argue with dev and virtualization tools on my system), you will probably have a significant number of legitimate customers download the cracked version (without VM sandboxing) to see what the buzz is about. I suggest, once the dust settles and you get back from the aforementioned post-release celebration, you print and frame your collected piracy rate statistic with a large font caption, “This number is not real. It’s really skewed”.
Final words, I promise.
You have created a great game and I’m thoroughly enjoying it. I just entered the third office with $70M in the bank after 5 attempts at getting through the second office (either v1.3.5 has been retuned compared to v1.3.3 or I finally developed the knack). I’m a software developer in the real world aspiring to get into game development. Currently, though, my job is to clean up and maintain web and server code that had been piling up with spaghetti for at least a decade prior to my ever seeing it. If I’m ever in the position to make such a design decision, I may be inclined to borrow and adapt your anti-piracy method. I hope you don’t mind.