What did you call your company?

Awesome Sauce is what I chose

I went for Flagship Studios.

I named mine: The Ghetto Dot Org

Other save data:
Company: SilverStar
Engine: Silver Engine V1-V5 and Universe Engine V1 (for MMO)
Console: CORE and CORE 2

first save: Sega:
I love the games that sega make and I wanted the achievement “fan”

second save: Anth0corp

mine Star-inlusions

That is the only name that i use for the company.

And my engines are called Cubed,Bitfrost, Cube

I made a company called “New Mediatainment” because of my High School Program called New Media Academy

ReVamped, Greenheart Games, Video Nova Holding GmBh, Video Experience
With ReVamped I managed to churn out about 6-7 “Duty Calls” sequels which brought me a ton of money. And also “World of Conquest” an MMO that brought me $1 Billion dollars :four_leaf_clover:

I like calling my games that will be part of a series like real ones but a bit different. Like “Final Fantasy” was “Initial Fantasy”. Or “Black Dead Salvation”, “Duty Calls”, “DokĂ©mon” etc :smile:

And I have a thing for naming the engines with Mk. I, II, III at the end. I got to ReVenge ULTIMA II which I think was my 10th engine :question: The console had a similar name “RVNG Mk. I - IV”

By the way, anyone can share tips about MMOs? I nailed the time-management for the Fantasy-RPG MMO, with 3 specialists (Story/Quests; Graphics; Gameplay), got about 2 times more Design and Tech points than any other game before (1200 Design and about 900 Tech) and still it got a 6. And its expansion got about half of the Design/Tech points and yet it got an 8.

90% of my Fantasy/RPG games get between 9.25 - 10. I don’t get it!

I named my company Smugdog Inc, and my CEO Sir Smugdog. My first game was “Call of Being Smug”.

Notice a pattern here?

Fantasy Factory (FF), Phoenix Entertainment (Phoenix), Tri-Ace (tri-Ace).

Got my fan achievement at Tri-Ace of course! <3

Company: Hell Inc.
Engines: Hellgine I - XI

Ok, i was playing Diablo before i bought this game, so when i created my company the name was “Bizzard”.
And i created a Engine called “Irreal” that’s portuguese for Unreal huehuehue

I need to restart my business, but I think I’d keep the same name: 33 Pixels. IRL my background is visual/digital flat art, so I like the idea of using my lucky number and an element of my art!

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“Crap Games” making the worst crap.

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I called my company Apple,
because it’s my favorite brand. :slight_smile:

Mine is LoLWuT games
 I really dunno why
 I have created all sorts of games with every name possible, like “Grand Daft Auto” and “LoL Tycoon”

Ballsonya Tech. EnterTronment. And GamePump were the three I have used.

I used parodical names like Bintendo, Blitz-Hard and Maxos, between less inspired ones like Bitsteps or Digidocks.

I try to use parodical names in games too, like Lizard Quest, Cavernaria, Fifi, Star Effect, Kingdom Age


Cheburashka for all three times I played sofar. (1st: Demo; 2nd: Company went bankrupt; 3rd: The honorary game award was achieved) :smiley:

Desperado Studios was my first studio that didn’t go bankrupt and ended up getting me a score of 61 million in 30 year playthrough. Good times.