We want to write our own game

Me and a friend from the forums, @firebolt2012, are going to be making a game.

Now, we can’t really announce anything because we don’t have anything that can be deemed playable, but I have a few questions,

Q: How much experience do you think it’d require to make a game similar to Game Dev Tycoon?

Q: You said the game was coded in JS, and HTML5, what areas should we focus more on learning?

Q: How did you make the sliders slide?

Q: Any tips for me and @firebolt2012?

@PatrickKlug @DanielKlug, answer these questions please, if you can.


Not to mention but…
Shouldn’t this topic be in the Greenheart Games category?

hi got something I feel needs to be in the game! when making consoles we should be able to pick policy’s to put on are console.

POLICY’S are needed in the game plz!

These questions simply don’t have a right answer.

It depends on the person. Daniel and I have a combined 20 years experience as software engineers and it still took us over a year to develop GDT. It’s certainly not easy to develop such a game from scratch if you don’t have prior game development or HTML/JS experience.

Impossible to answer since I don’t know what your skill level is. If you want to write games from scratch (as opposed to using tools like GameMaker) then you have to learn programming first. A proper object oriented language like C# might give you a better understanding of good techniques than hacking things together in JavaScript.

We used jQuery UI sliders and applied a custom styling.

Start with a very, very simple game first to gain experience. Try to learn the trade (software engineering). Read books. Go through tutorials.

Thanks for the reply, @PatrickKlug! Me and @firebolt2012 will be sure to show you our game when it’s complete. We are already learning coding languages, and to answer the 2nd question I have more experience in HTML but it isn’t a very noticeable experience difference.

I am currently trying to learn two (three if you count CSS) coding languages, but I have planned to learn more over my career as a software engineer/developer.

I am learning on two websites and I will soon enough look for some books.