Want to watch someone fail at beating a beatmap (osu!) [ONLINE]

I am doing some maps that I (probably)cant beat but look fun.
I might not be streaming all the time but if you want you can message me on:
or maybe even here!
Streams will be here:
osu! (In-game)
My timezone is GMT +01:00 Belgrade

I want to see that xD

you are such a devil :stuck_out_tongue:

The stream will start in a few minutes

I’m there. Waiting in the chat.

Now I’m waiting for requests

did I miss it?

I can stream again, if you want.
I just need a beatmap to play

Okay! Second try! Now I know what to play!
EDIT:Stream started!
EDIT2:Took a break, brb
EDIT3:I’m back!

I gotta go eat…
be back in a few minutes
EDIT:I’m back!