Viva la Revolucion! - Game idea for GHG

Here’s a game idea for GHG for their next, next, next, next game.

Viva la Revolucion! is a game about… well… a revolution I guess.
In this game, you are the leader of aYou rebel movement against a cruel dictator.
(format credit to @awesomejuan36912)
#The Story

You are in Estai, a fictional country ruled by dictator Yesser, a name derived from ‘Yes sir’ (if you say ‘No’ to him, you’ve got a 10/10 chance of public execution), who is inflicting terrible pains upon your people. One day, you see a hanging in which an old man is hung for telling youths about a time when your people were free. This inspires you to lead a revolution against Yesser, thus beginning the (insert rebel movement name here).

As this would be in pixel graphics, (think Papers Please), this wouldn’t have that-a-many mechanics. So far I think the management system used in Assassin’s Creed (Assassin Dens) would be ideal, but with more options and an expanded everything.

#Experimental Art

  1. Wanted Sign
  2. Rebel
  3. Citizen
  4. Guard

(yea i know the art is complete shit, but that’ll hopefully improve as ill probably use something else apart from

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You haven’t even given us what the game is about. Is it an RPG? Is it an idle clicking game? Is it a management game? Is it a fart? Do you poop in it? WHAT IS IT

also why is half of the citizen’s body bitten off by a tyranny-saur?

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i have no idea what genre this is… a management/rpg i suppose

also, if you look very closely, very, very closely, you see that the citizen is a different shade of white from the forum background

-All Games

I think it’s a story-based/strategy game. I think it has the same idea of ‘Papers, Please’, but with a GHG artstyle/strategy/story twist. I hope i’m right because it would be a genius idea for a game.

And GHG will get more '$$$'

funny, but weird

Or you could just play the Skyrim rebellion side-quest.

Would play this game if it where real

btw. i think a rebel should be switched with citizen

You could also make that part a bit more yellow, yellow would fit perfectly with the citizen.

oh ok. thanks guys.

also @chizbejoe i already have. several times.

######no regrets

Also if you’re wondering why my typing and grammar is so shit, ist because im using a keyboad that doesnt even have a fuking DELETE button, and insted decided to have a RIGHT CLICK KEY THERE.

its becuz my wireless isnt working.