Virus: the game

i once met with probably weirdest and most awesome game, it was called Virus: the game. Today it is very hard to find copy, but i had one, it is great game. If you see it anywhere, buy it instantly, it is really GREAT!
Some gameplay:
Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Protip: don’t ever try to play with keyboard, it’s pointless. Use joystick.


What is this game even about?

Depends you can play as anti-virus or virus, the first one need to locate and destroy all virus before it corrupt too much data, the second one need to corrupt enough data and don’t let the anti-virus destroy it.

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sounds interesting

It also have multiplayer based on local network or by web. Oh, levels are generated using files on your pc, so if you have more files and memory, then gamemap will be bigger… my 1.5TB disk is sure make this gane big.

At first I thought:
How did he got 50k subs, if he records screen with a camera…
And I thought that he would be some kid in secondary school :\

But his videos are pretty good :smiley:

EDIT: Now he’s one of my subscribed channels :smiley:
Now I can waste my time watching his 502 videos!

0_o that windows 98…

I also recommend rogueamp, rogueamp2 (second channel of rogueamp, not related to pc rogues) and their collaboration channel Ampdan1

He made video with DOS 2.0…

@Jakub thanks :slight_smile: Now there;s no chance for me doing something productive :stuck_out_tongue:
(It’s true :crying_cat_face:)