Very Slow Download from GHG Servers

So, I decided to purchase the game tonight and noticed while downloading the game that the download is very slow (around 70 KB/s). I was wondering if this is due to load on the server or due to a limited pipeline? If it is indeed a limited pipeline, then updates will likewise be painstakingly slow. This is a problem that I have noticed while downloading the game and thought that I’d share it just to make sure GHG is aware of this issue.

What is your download speed on other things, such as Steam?

I hope it’s because the servers are clogged from so many downloads.

The download of purchased games runs through Amazon S3, one of the most widely used storage services. Our payment provider FastSpring sets this up so I’m very surprised to hear that it is slow.

Did anyone else experience similar slow speeds?

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My DL went fine two days ago, literally 5 seconds to get the installer. I didn’t know you guys got the Amazon servers! Good for you! <3

I have a 50 Mb/s connection. At the time there was almost no other network traffic (something like 4 Mb/s to two other computers). Downloads from other services tends to be between 8 to 16 Mb/s assuming they have sufficient bandwidth.

If it is through Amazon S3, it might have been caused by the nightly spike of traffic that their data centers see each night around the time I posted this due to Netflix.

Edit: Just downloaded the gzipped tar for installation on my laptop, speeds were around 1.5 MB/s (12 Mb/s), so it appears that the slow download speed was a temporary issue.

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thanks for testing this again.