what exactly is the usefulness of the games below the level AAA if in each case, at the time when you try to make a game more simple, it has always negative feedback ratings with very low?
Rating has to do with :
- Tech/Design ratio
- Tech+Design amount
- The ratio between your number of bugs and the Tech+Design
- Dispatching of your development time amongst the different fields at each stage
- Have you published a game with same topic/genre combination recently
- If it’s a sequel, does it have a different game engine than the previous episode ?
- Adequation between topic and genre
- Adequation between topic and audience
- Adequation between platform and genre
- The trend, if there is any
- Number of specialists in the important development fields of your chosen genre
- Tech level of your graphics, regarding to the size of your game
- Tech level of the platform you’re developping on.
- The year your game is published
- How good was your best game
- And by how much your best game has beaten your previous best game
I might have forgotten something, but I think that’s pretty much it.
I have already made better smaller size games after having tried bigger size games with not-so-good reviews.
For more detail, you have more information you’ll ever have wanted to have there, and also maybe less accurate, but extremely useful, there and there.
Wait, the game still compares your score to your best score?
I do not know do not understand. I have all specialized in different sectors and skill of each character rises above 1000 points. I developed the most powerful console as I could and I wanted everything to the highest levels (I have the V7 with 3D SDK at lvl 12) but if I try to do any game below AAA I can never get decent feedback.
between design and technology the games produced by me almost reach 12000 points but never more than 6 evaluations resulting in poor sales. I do not understand what I have to do to make great games because even if I try to improve the skills of employees, they do not go up if you do not fatigue (3 technology training for a measly point)
I can’t make successful AAA games. The usefulness of the other games is therefore: They’re the ones that get good scores and good money.
Of course, I never play past 35 years, so maybe that’s why AAA titles seem so bad to me.
I get better every game I play (I play 42 years for a little mode comfort untill I really master the game), and on the last try, I could do my first AAA game at maybe year 34-35. The secret is as long as you have been regularly good (but not ultimately good) with your precedent games, and you respect the requirements I listed you above, your AAA game will be a success.
If you wait all your developpers to be fully trained before starting to make AAA games, you’re sure to have not-so-good reviews. You should on the contrary (if you’re aiming the AAA games) go for it as soon as possible, aka as soon as you have the prerequisites, and make some. The first might be just above average, but if you train your team and choose adequate combinations for the next one, it will be better, and so on …
On the other hand, you can do very well with up-to large games, and you can do very well with only medium games if you really want. The real secret is “always do better than the last time, but not too much so that there is always room for improvement”.
Once you start being good at making AAA games, they are really worth it.
Yes @Oksbad, I’m positive on that, you spend your time only fighting against yourself
then the game is a struggle against yourself in a game that gives the possibility to increase the capacity of their employees? fantastic!
I did not wait to grow my employees to make AAA games, I started again when the skills were about 300PT, and my 10/10/10/11 was really my first AAA. now that I’m 150Y is impossible to grow the employees so every game is crap and never more than 6 AAA long as it is in the case of small, medium and large do not own the game, the game assigns me always 1 / 1/1/1.
You decided to play over the end of the game, that’s your problem : the game is designed to work well during a few decades, between 30 and 42 years. You are surprised that at year 150, your 170 year-old developpers can’t make a good AAA game any more ? Wow now that’s a surprising discovery .
I guess if you had played Mario, and if Mario allowed to play beyond the moment you save Peach, you’d be complaining that after 150 years marriage, Mario wouldn’t find Peach so desirable, and even Viagra wouldn’t make Mario sappy enough to give a 92th child to his wife XD.
Just start another game, and try to make better choices than you did on your first try to improve your score after 30, 35, or 42 years of playing.
is certainly a good argument, the only problem is that mario ends without giving you the opportunity to continue. while game dev to be able to continue, but if it is not designed to continue then why continue?
To give you the opportunity to try things you didn’t have time (or guts XD) to try during your regular game ? Or to finish things you started during your regular playthrough, but didn’t get the chance/time to finish ?
then I should be revised because the speed of the game or you are very lucky, otherwise it is very difficult to do, for example, I’ve completely missed the second office, I made ​​enough money and enough fans in the garage when I change of office, after the first game, I immediately asked the third
In the current game, small and medium games are meant to experiment with new topics & combos while being low risk to your company. New topics provide more research points (I’m not sure of the same is true for new combinations or not) and help drive employee training & fancier engines.
Large games take more time and money to develop, and therefore you should be pretty sure about most of the stuff you’re picking. They are held to lower standards than AAA games, and it’s much easier to get a large 10 than a AAA 8, and the former makes more money.
Because of the standards they’re held to, there is no reason to make an AAA game anything less than perfect. AAA games should be sequels to previously successful games. If you have the slightest doubt about the game, downgrade to large.
You can’t do A games on smartphones. I once had a medium game be more profitable than my many 9 rated A games before it. Large games, too.