TV Executive Tycoon Memorial Page

woah can I join the cool kids tomb my games died when my hard drive did

Come online at steam pleaseā€¦

Who are you?

Me? Iā€™m aswinā€¦

and when was it decided that you would be taking over this project?

Uhm I think you donā€™t understand that this was about, I replied to Jedi come online at steam, since he is a part of my dev group and I needed to discuss somethingā€¦Iā€™m not even interested in the project (as a dev)

Oh I understand now, lol.

Sure, itā€™s great down here, we just laugh about @peradev a bunch and eat crumpets.


hehehehe. crumpetsā€¦
######dont look at me.

@CrumpDev Milky, milky, milky :bust_in_silhouette:

I got a news update for TV Executive Tycoon! Since I came up with this game. I went to find another programmer and found one! All older teams will be free from the project. More news coming soon!

Gg, hope it goes well.


I suggest using wix for websites. It lets you have way more control over your website.

True true.
It its really user friendly.
and gives you a free domain.

Remember game word studios?

Good old days.

please never let this stuff ever happen on the forums again

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yes. sniff :frowning2:

Donā€™t you mean Game World Studios :wink:

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Any news from the @peradev? :smirk:

*Any news from @peradev?

:oncoming_police_car: Grammer Police here. :oncoming_police_car: