[TUTORIAL] How to fix a mod being red when selected

So I heard lots of people are having trouble about their mod being red when selected, so I decided to make a thread all about how to fix it!

It’s really simple to fix!
You have to install UltimateLib:

If you’re still getting it red then you must download the Mod-API
https://github.com/greenheartgames/gdt-modAPI, and one more thing to do, go into the master folder and in there is another folder. That is the folder that should be in the mods folder

That’s it! No more!


Or Mod API. if someone deleted it.

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Thanks for telling me that! :smile:
Editing the thread

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You go into the master folder and in there is another folder. That is the folder that should be in the mods folder

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Ok thanks :smile:
I tried just deleting the master and it worked but I think I need to make the thread guiding the best way as possible




this is my first time trying to make a mod but it still shows up red and can not be activated. I’ve read through forums but i still can not figure out what i am doing wrong. pls help a noob.

Do You use UltimateModEditor?


Do You have Ultimate Lib installed?

I do

Do you have Mod API?

yes, i just redownloaded the ultimate lib just to be sure. i have the mod api and activated

ok, i found the problem. ultimate lib was in the wrong folder. thank you though for helping though. im just a noob at modding lol