Turkish Language Translation Complete


When can we start playing as Turkish ? I saw that even France language is not complete theirs in the game as beta. I would like to test Turkish language aswell… Thank you



The French translation was complete at the time it was released as beta, we then added content and made changes which meant all completed translations needed more work.

The Turkish translation was completed yesterday so we expect it will be added to beta soon.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Denedim şimdi belli başlı çeviri hataları var çok önemli değil. Türkçeoyun ellerine sağlık çok teşekkürler.

Çeviriyi henuz test ediyoruz zaten. Hem benim cevirdigim hemde kodlamalar nedeniyle hatalı olan yerler mevcut. hepsinin goruntusunu alıyoruz duzelticez.

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