Time spent, money spent

I’d like a slider in each dev stage that allows players to pick how long they’ll work on that dev stage. The longer it goes on, the bigger the cost. For example, if you wanted an AMAZING game and you wanted to develop it over a course of 3 years, you’d assign 1 year to each and it’d be around 3x the normal cost.

Feedback is appreciated.

So basically you want to make a game having a whole lot of Design and Tech points at the end?

No, I’m saying the longer you make game dev the more money it costs and you’d probably start losing fans if you extend it too long.

I don’t get it,when at first you say this.

Spend so long developing one game that you go out of business. Several different developers pass it around until it finally goes to a team that intends to take it all the way. The game is finished, after a full ten years in development hell.

The final product is universally hated.


it’s an interesting idea which we have discussed a lot internally too. in the end we decided to have fixed durations, depending on game size. The restriction that a development phase has a fixed length makes the act of deciding what’s important for a game more meaningful. Otherwise everyone wants to just maximize every aspect of every game. (ie. sliders/time to max would be the best strategy)

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Well, thanks for the reply atleast.

The biggest problem i can think of with a extended ( player defined ) development is the amount of Design and Tech generated at the end, which could end up being unable to “beat” your last best score.
The same problem you would encounter making a medium game after you have made a AAA game.