This is going to be hard.
Having like most heard about this game with there master plan of releasing it on torrents and in the same breath have players punished for exactly what they did. Was a simple stroke of genius, which I’m sure has resulted in an increase of sold copies for this game. Have played the Demo and having done respectable, and wanting the full experience. Over the weekend I added to the hype and sent you money (let’s be blatant about it) for my own copy.
However after watching Let’s Play’s I have come to the same conclusion most people here noted, some might be nitpicking but most of them are spot on. Like having played Tycoon games before and not having restrictions like a set timeline (Linear game, but with no Branching options). Being able to make sequels from the start. And so on,
I would just really like to say especially after surprisingly reading that the game was done, and any suggestion would be looked at for possibly a sequel. It is then not even confirmed, no green light for a modding community. For 7€ the most addictive game for real gamers couldn’t really be more than a couple of play throughs, before you have achieved all that is to achieve in the set story and the game frankly has to be ended. As I have found out thanks to the linear storyline. And of course playing thew the complete game as I Am Legend.
This possibly could have been a full fledged Tycoon game one to bridge the gap between game developer, and consumer. And have us experience the same hardships as GHG must go through in making these games.
But also after reading the post about piracy and the importance of buying the game so that we can continue to have well made games without the need for having millions of friends, or a ready and waiting wallet to buy the perks or play to win.
I really have to say with all the small nitpicks I wouldn’t be adverse to seeing this as a tease, but an update more money would also be acceptable. But this version for hopefully real gamers falls way to much short for the true inventive way a Video Game Tycoon game could have been played. And before this one, I had never found one probably because my phone is still mainly a phone, and only a pc for me is the way to go. Guess what my games were in the Demo.
But with my money in hand I hope you recieve more fans, give something back to rack up the hype, and come back strong for the (update) sequel.
Pfff okay got that off my chest, now I’ll go wait for my email with my copy.
What!? even with all the short comings. It still looks like a lot of fun. And you gotta say the hyping was just perfect ;).