There is no doubt that this is a fantastic game but me and a friend were thinking of what we would like to see in the game and here is the list.
Releasing your games on multiple consoles and systems
The ability to make portable consoles
To have two consoles on the market a portable and a home console like many of the company’s in game do
Oh and one last thing, MMO’s to be nerfed little bit as they create way to much money than they actually should.
I know this is quite a lot of things but I don’t want them to rush anything, but i would love to see these added into the game.
What Do you think?
MMO’s are pretty strong itself. You gotta maintain the costs of the MMO to run it on the grid. You must be long after the MMO research, because you don’t get too much profit from MMO’s right after you researched it.
I know you don’t when you first research it but, would still like it to be changed slightly, like problems could affect your MMO or something, just to make it a even harder challenge
I agree with that it should have a harder challenge to make MMO’s. It can be hard for new players but once you have a pattern down or just google the answer its simple.
Thats about it, the secret of maintaining the MMO’s and making money. I have heard of people running them for 20 years. I am not saying they are EASY but once you got this pattern down and got the timing correct for the expansions its a lot of money. There should be events to downgrade the MMO’s maybe even.
Maybe the MMO gets hacked and your servers are shut, some thing to make it more challenging.