The Steam Key Question

Will everyone, who purchased the game already, get a Steam-Key and how?

Yes, everyone who purchased gets a steam key. Pirates do not get one since they didn’t support it. Steam would send out the keys to the developers of Game Dev Tycoon and they would hand out the keys by email to us.

Patrick said hes working it out. I think only people who got the non-lite version will get a Steam key, although im not 100% on this. I’m assuming this is the case as people who got the lite version couldn’t have a copy of the normal version.

Thanks for the fast answer’s.
I’m looking forward to that.

If I buy the game now, would I still be eligible for a steam key when it is released on steam or should I just wait?

everyone who buys will get a steam key

Will the Steam key be given to people who bought the game on the windows store?
I played the trial on the windows 8 CS and when I bought windows 8 I bought the game as soon as it came out. I would love to get the game on my windows 7 laptop.
If not PLEASE!!!

Exactly. Regardless of how you purchased or for what system, you WILL get a Steam key once the game is released.

Purchases up until the Steam release will be eligible for a Steam key once the game is released there. (If I’m not mistaken)