The Beginner's Guide - I recommend it

I don’t have this game, but it’s a great game for people that like narrative/story-driven games. This game is made by Everything Unlimited Ltd:, the same makers of The Stanley Parable. The game is about a narrator and his friend Coda, the narrator makes you play and explore the games Coda made. While you are playing/exploring the games, he narrator tells you some stories about Coda and how he made his projects. I recommend this game to people that want 1-2 hours of story for 9$. The replayability of this game isn’t high. It’s a one-playthrough game. But still, give it a try. The reason i didn’t buy this game is because i already watched walkthroughs on youtube of this game. Don’t make the same mistake’s as me!

First I was like
yes yes yes gimme
then I realized I spent all my money
then I realized I probably wouldn’t enjoy this game that much

Yeah, not really getting the appeal.