Back in May 2013 @Charlie joined us to tackle our overflowing mailboxes and has spear-headed our customer support emails (and occasionally swung the forum ban hammer) ever since.
Today is officially her last day here at Greenheart Games and I just wanted to wish @Charlie all the best for her future. Thank you for your past contributions and for being part of this community.
Dear forum spammers: the forum ban hammer will not be retired - We will carry on swinging it!
Farewell Charlie. I hope whatever comes to you in the future will be good and you will turn out successful. Okay fellow regulars (+ @Stian & @CrumpDev) it’s time we stop breaking rules and make it easier for Patrick.
I think Charlie would become somebody that visit’s people to give them health and psychological advice or something like that.
Or she becomes a game developer like @PatrickKlug and @DanielKlug
Should we remember all the fun times we had with Charlie?
She banned @Venomous (That’s his own fault, he shouldn’t have stolen other people’s code).
She banned @Individual (He shouldn’t have made that rape joke).
Those are the only 2 things I can remember, anyone want’s to add something?