[TALK] Argue with OS and computers

I know that i hate Windows 9 and some computers. so BEAT IT


Win8 was crap, I might upgrade to Windows 9. I don’t want weird Start Buttons and Windows Stores. No.

It said they were returning the Start Menu on Windows 9 with some Metro Apps. They are now bleep-ing pissed by Windows Fanboys

What fanboys? I didn’t know they had any :smiley:

Thankfully, I’m paid by Google so I can agree on bad things to microsoft


(Google now where is the money you told you would give me?)

Windows fanboys. We are under attacked by Apple fanboys right now.

Hey Failsoft. I have a present for you…



I don’t see a problem with Windows 8.1. It’s amazing, and the start menu is much better than other versions.

You don’t have to click 3000 times to open something, you just hit the windows key, and click your program, then bam you’re in it. (You can also right click it for even more options)

Also 8.1 is faster, it boots up quicker, and runs games much better.

Don’t see why anyone would still be using 7 on a computer that you use regularly for more than just email checking.



All of microsoft’s stuff after Windows 7 is pretty much not very good. Xbox One (Crap) Windows 8 (Crap) Windows 9 (Soon to be Crap) Xbox Two (Soon to be crap :smiley:) i could go on and on.

The problem with windows 8 is the design mainly but then if you look at All versions of windows they have major problems such as 100% None Virus Free!

What’s wrong with windows 8? I’ve got it on my computer and it isn’t as bad as people make it out to be. Ok, it doesn’t have a start button, but do you really need one? All the reasons why you needed a start button are now done otherwise (start menu, for example). And I don’t understand the fuss about the whole metro system, though I guess I’m one of the few who actually doesn’t not like it.

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The problem with Windows 8 and 8.1 is missing one item that fanboys love the most…


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How is it crap? You just saying that because it’s different? Have you even used it?

And nothing is 100% virus free. You can get a virus on any OS. If you’re smart, and don’t click on every “chicks in your area” or “free gamez at gogamez.net” ad, then you won’t get one. Not really that hard.

But it does have a start menu. A great one at that…

The Metro UI is GOOD for tablets and phone. But not PC’s and Laptop. Get out of here. Get 7.

If you think of it this way Microsoft made windows 7, and Xbox 360, Amazing things. After that Microsoft went down into the crappy zone. But look at apple now they’re outselling windows, and sony’s PS4 is way outselling xbox one and microsoft is buying all these companies that make amazing games and remaking them or making new ones only for xbox one and its still not working.

Windows vs. Mac = Mac Wins
Windos vs. Linux = Windows Wins
PS4 vs. Xbox one = PS4 wins

KillerToad I have windows it is crap and i have a mac which isn’t crap.
Also macs are around 99% virus free even if you do download free game for mac or stuff like that theres a 99% chance it won’t be malware or a virus. Windows on the other hand click on anything thats not made by a real company its a virus or malware heck you can’t even trust websites that re-sell games on windows.

The Start Screen?


How is it not good for PCs? It works fine.

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I just don’t like the Start Menu design. It’s awful :frowning: Although, never tried to play in 8.1

Its the look!. What else??