Take the Sorrows' Society Challenge!

“I see what you did there” -Gameidiot

I think the topic is dead now so…
I’m trying to bring this on the front page again.

I’m taking the challenge with a new theory. I won’t research a danged thing. I lucked out on my character creation and got Sci-Fi, Fashion, Spy, and Werewolf for my options. I shall call this my challenge of 4 attack on Sorrows’ Society.

Sci-Fi Action
Fashion Simulation
Sci-Fi Adventure
Spy Action
Sci-Fi RPG
Werewolf Action
Sci-Fi Simulation
Fashion RPG
Sci-Fi Strategy
Spy Adventure
Werewolf RPG

I will repeat this until I either fail or break the game.

It’s starting to get ugly how much I am not failing. I’ll be able to afford full staff upgrades with max budget hiring the second I can move to the final office.

Advancing out of the garage and hiring 6 employees to work on large games the second you can still fails to produce more points than staying in the garage and grinding out the games.