Sync games between laptop & netbook

Where can I find the savegames and what files do I need to sync between my home laptop & netbook I use when travelling?

if you have steamversion it should save it on steam cloudserver so save should be saved there and whenever you install the game on your account on a different computer you should still have your saved game

I’m not always online with my netbook and my savegames are still listed on my laptop if offline as well so they must be on the machine itself?

Well you can’t transfer it if you’re always offline…

I see what you are getting at, yes I would sync at home, normally I do this with SyncBack for docs and various other games. But I have played GDT offline and can go back to it offline and the saves are still there so they must be on the HD somewhere, I am guessing, so can use Syncback like all the other stuff I want to update.

Hey, Which OS are you using? Once I know that I can let you know where the save games are located.

Windows 7 64 bit on laptop and W7 32 bit on the netbook.
thanks Charlie

It seems to be everything in the [user]>Appdata>Local>Game Dev Tycoon - Steam folder. Sync that and you can sync the game manually.

Yes, thats the one! :smile: