Stick to 2D or start using 3D?

So far I have been using 2D for almost all my games and have been doing very well with it. I’m at year 25 with just over 200 million in the bank. 3D is still level 1, so I was just wondering if it would be worth levelling up 3D or should I just stick to 2D seeing as it’s going so well? Thanks in advance.

Level it up, since you will need it when you go to your 2nd office (garage is 1st office).

Huh? I’m at stage 3 at the moment and I haven’t had any need for it yet.

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You don’t need it…
To get the next level, you need to use it in games. Once you reach lvl 3 in use of the 3D lvl 1 (appears in the list when you finish a game), you will have access to next level for 3D graphics. Same goes for 2D but I guess you only used it so you didn’t realized.

Best way to improve it once at stage 3, is to do small game and discard them.

This gives me a question: how hard is it to level up 3D in modern times?
I mean, if you still have LVL1 3D in like year 30 doesn’t everyone hate the graphics quality?

What I do is this. Early on, pick whether you want to focus on rpg/adventure or action/sim/strategy. Then make an engine, focused on that category and research the other.

For rpg/adventure dump all research into story, dialogue, and world elements. Then stick to 2d. For action/sim/strategy dump all research into engine, AI, and graphics elements. Try to get to 3d (or high 2d) as soon as possible with these games. Basically, then as I make games for one category I’m dumping research into the other and improving its engine. Then I lather, rinse, repeat. My rpg/adventure games raise my 2d graphics level and my action/sim/strategy games raise my 3d level.

Awesome, thanks for the advice. I forgot you could discard games; losing fans due to terrible graphics was one of my worries.

On my first playthrough I did only 2D games because I didn’t know there is a better version than 3DV1 lol.
So I did like 40 years with only 2D and did fine. plenty of 9s and 10s. 2D is just as good as 3D, both give 2 benefit points per level, meaning 2DV5 gives 10 points just like 3DV5. But 3D is better since you can get 2 additional upgrades in the lab…

Same here, I had a game where I did nothing but 2Dv1 for the entire 30 years and it didn’t seem to lower my ratings or my success.

According to my understanding of the review algorithm, you can’t get a perfect score on a AAA game unless you use at least 3D v5. 2D would limit you to score of 8 (9 if you get lucky with the reviewers)

Guys, how do you level up 3D graphics? I have gone through the 30 years two times now, and the research for graphics beyond 3D v1 is not available to me. I made a game with 3D v1 graphics, because I thought that would unlock the research, but that didn’t help.

well, you need to use the 3d graphics in the games to level it up, which eventually unlocks the next level of 3d graphics.

You unlock next step in graphics by getting your current one to level 3 (you know, those bars that scroll across after you make a game)

Thank you for the quick responses. :smiley: