Steam updates: Silent?

For some reason, the Steam version of the game never shows a log of updating; I didn’t even know that there was an update until I had gone online to see. Does the Steam edition update while running as well as while off? Is there some sort of silent-update feature? @PatrickKlug if there is, kudos to the devs because I prefer silent/in-game updates to shutting down GDT and then being told I was missing out of the latest and greatest lol.

The game itself does not advertise that it has been updated (apart from when a major update has required the save files to be converted, as was the case with 1.4). Steam will download and install updates to any games in its library when you are not playing games.

You may from time to time notice the following at the bottom of the Steam Library window:

(You might also see ‘1 ITEM DOWNLOADING’ if you happen to look at the right time)

If you click on those words, you’ll notice that they are a hyperlink, which will take you to the downloads page, and tell you which game has recently updated.

See,[quote=“EvoGamer, post:2, topic:7333”]
You might also see ‘1 ITEM DOWNLOADING’ if you happen to look at the right time

See, I never get any messages whatsoever for this game; only “Syncing…” after I’m done (saves). Even Spiral Knights put up it’s little “1 item complete” message for it’s update, and yet…

Well whatever, it’s not really a big deal but a bit confusing due to me seeing “update steam x.x.x live” and then never seeing an update :stuck_out_tongue: